Elizabeth Sinclair – writer

I am a story teller–It is my privilege to be a writer–But it is more of a privilege to be read.

Dipping regularly into my site will give you access to the products (often free) of a working writer with a love of history, human struggle and citizenship. But don’t worry, I will share my humour at the same time. I hope this will brighten your day and help you lay aside the troubles of the world for a few minutes.

If you share your comments with me, I will reply, I promise – always provided that we can have a respectful conversation.

Contact me

cropped-cropped-img_95011.jpg Submitting Knights* that explores twenty first century chivalry and coming of age.

passport A personal look at the Brexit vote and how it has raised issues of nationality, class and my sense of belonging  – more

eofsarah-book-mockup-smMy friends and supporters in Canada can purchase The Evolution of Sarah directly from this site (see sidebar).

iStock_pile of stones lieing down bambooPlease browse and contact me if you would like to begin a conversation…


All writing published on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License – based on works published at https://elizabeth-sinclair.com/  Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available – contact Elizabeth Sinclair